About Us
“Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.”
~ Colossians 1:28 (KJV)
Nashville, Tennessee is the original home to the House of God Academy and Bible College (HOGABC) at 2005 Heiman Street. The city is known for its strong roots in contemporary gospel and black gospel music; its historical and cultural features and its one-of-a kind attractions. The city is closely located to Interstate 40, that connects with another great American music city, known as Memphis. The 210 miles of interstate where the two cities link is referred to as the Tennessee Music Highway. Nashville ranks high among the most religious cities in the country. What better place for the House of God Academy and Bible College to call home. The philosophy of education at HOGABC is based upon the foundation that God is the source of all truth; that the Holy Spirit is the Leader and Guide into all truth; that man, as created in the image of God, may gain knowledge and understanding of spiritual and physical realities through pursuit of the truth.
In 2021, the House of God Academy and Bible College based its Online Bible College at 2050 Hampton Avenue, Charleston, South Carolina 29405 located at The House of
God Church to accommodate the growing need to spread the gospel and desire for further impartation of the Word of God. This was a vision of Chief Overseer Butler for outreach to whosoever desired to enrich their personal growth in ministry. The programs at HOGABC are designed to prepare the student to serve the Lord in your local church, your ministry, and the community in which you live, and through your professional career, you choose. HOGABC Online is also unique because of the quality relationships that will develop between you and those of us who serve here. Our tight-knit community of students, faculty, and staff at HOGABC Online allows for a plethora of opportunities to develop long-lasting friendships and mentorships.
Just as Jesus took His message to the masses and made it relevant to their everyday lives, HOGABC Online strives to make every effort to follow the same model. Here at HOGABC Online we partner with the Church by meeting people where they are, creating pathways to enrich, empower, engage, and to reconciling man to God. That’s the HOGABC Online difference

College Profile

Welcome from the Founder
Bishop Dr. Clary K. Butler, Sr., BA, MA, D Min

Jesus is Lord, to the Glory of God, the Father.
I am excited to welcome you to the 2022 General Assembly
for the House of God Academy and Bible College.
This past year has been unprecedented for our church. We have faced great difficulties (from COVID-19 to establishing our
school for years to come) but God saw us through it all. The General Assembly theme is a testament to what we have seen God do through our church as well as the House of God Academy and Bible College. The 2022 General Assembly theme is: “Our God is Able.” The aim is to remind the world, if God be for us, nothing can stop God’s plan, God’s power or God’s people. He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think.
I am still in prayer for all of the students and families continuing to wrestle with the catastrophe that the coronavirus presented. I will be in prayer for everyone negatively impacted as we all look to God for a peace that passes all understanding.
Congratulations to Tr. Bishop Dr. Jaqueline Taylor and her team of advisors, administrators and staff for the work they have done to reignite our Academy and Bible College. It is my vision to continue the educational training our founder, Mother Mary Lewis-Tate, began. We are putting some of the final pieces in place (in time for Fall 2022) to enhance our curriculum, gain additional accreditation, offer a degree track, recruit world class faculty and so much more. As the Apostle Paul wrote, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us (Phil. 4:13).
Working together as co-laborers in Christ, we can build our Academy and Bible College to do the work Christ commissioned us to do. We have been faithful and we have not given up our hope and trust in God’s promises. I pray that God will send laborers into our House of God Academy and Bible College vineyard so that we can reap the harvest God promised us!
In Service for the Master,
Clary K. Butler
Chief Overseer and Senior Bishop
Welcome from the President
Trial Bishop Jacqueline Tuggle Taylor, D Min, PhD

Welcome to the House of God Academy and Bible College. As an independent, Pentecostal Bible College we are confident that interest in our institution will enrich, empower, and engage you in reconciling man to God as you mature unto perfection in the Lord. We have planned to facilitate your college journey by providing information in this catalog to foster a desire to learn more about the word of God.
Whether or not this is your initial college experience the information contained within the catalog will enable you to plan your transition smoother as you plan your schedule around your personal affairs. We have taken a chronological approach in selecting courses that will aid in interpreting the scriptures theologically. The catalog covers topics that include, academic expectations, degree requirements, the degree program and course descriptions, tuition fees, services, and policies that will be beneficial as you matriculate in earning your Associate of Arts degree. You are encouraged to ask questions and do not hesitate to contact your professor. Interacting with classmates in your discussion groups and aligning yourself with a buddy, is always helpful in developing comradery to complete special projects. Thank you for taking the time to review our program of study. We would love to have you join us for the next step in your educational journey.
In His Care,
Jacqueline Tuggle Taylor, PhD
Jacqueline Tuggle Taylor, PhD, DMin HOGABC Online President - June 28, 2021

The House of God (Parent Organization) History
The House of God, which is the Church of the Living God, the Pillar, and Ground of the Truth Without Controversy, Inc., Keith Dominion, was founded by the Late Mother Mary Magdalena Lewis Tate.
Mother Tate began traveling and preaching in Steel Springs, Tennessee, and Paducah, Kentucky. She gathered Black and white audiences into informal "Do Rights" bands or churches in Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky, and Tennessee. She preached to both white and Black audiences. She officially organized the church in 1903 in Greenville, Alabama. The church name was taken from I Timothy, 3:15-16.
The official history states that after a period of illness, Mother Tate experienced a miraculous healing and the Pentecostal baptism of the Holy Ghost, as evidenced by speaking in tongues. Thereafter, she convened a 10-day General Assembly from June 25 to July 5, 1908, and officially incorporated the organization. As the founder,
she also was designated the Overseer and Chief Leader of the Church. Under her leadership, the church continued to expand. The rapid growth of the church through powerful revivals and the State and General Assemblies soon gave the church tremendous strength. By 1916, the church had spread throughout twenty states, including the District of Columbia, and into some foreign countries.
In 1924, the House of God Church Headquarters was established in Nashville, Tennessee. The church also purchased eleven 50 x 140 city lots for $5,000, including a large brick building with five rooms. A publishing house opened in the building after it was renovated and equipped with printing presses, paper cutters, print type, and type-setting equipment. Part-time workers hired from several African American schools in the area staffed the publishing house. For two decades from this location, the New and Living Way Publishing Company printed Sunday School literature, music, and several periodicals.
The Church Founder
Bishop Mary Magdalena Lewis Tate ("Mother Tate") was born in Vanleer, Tennessee, on January 5, 1871. She was the first American woman to serve as a Bishop of a nationally recognized denomination. She is also the first African American woman to incorporate a religious denomination in the United States – more than a dozen organizations esteem her as their founder and establishmentarian.
Mother Tate began her ministry by gathering converts into “Do Rights” bands or churches, so named because people responded to her message by wanting to “do right.” These associations in Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky, and Tennessee purchased property to house a meeting place for their worship services of song, testimony, Bible study, and preaching. In 1903, she united these groups into what we now call the House of God, which is the Church of the Living God, the Pillar, and Ground of the Truth Without Controversy.
Mother Tate also facilitated open and visible access to church leadership for women. She purposefully used generic language when referring to church positions in order to make them available for all genders, and she mentored women to take their place in leadership. In response, a woman answered her call. During the denomination’s first century, several hundred women served as evangelists, ministers, and bishops.
At the core of Mother Tate’s teaching stood the concept of cleanness. Cleanness, she taught, must direct one’s entire life, from eating and drinking to marriage and family, even to the way one participates in social and community affairs. She died on December 28, 1930, and was buried in the family plot in Dickson, Tennessee. Her remains were relocated in Nashville's historic Greenwood Cemetery in 1963.
The 2nd – 5th Church Administrators
In 1931, Bishop Mary F.L. Keith was selected and ordained Chief Overseer for The House of God, Inc., Keith Dominion. In 1948, Bishop Keith erected a sanctuary at Headquarters. Dormitories were later built. Under her leadership, the Church was established/re-established across the nation and on the island of Jamaica. Bishop Keith also opened the Keith Bible Institute and The House of God Home for Children before passing away on July 14, 1962.
In 1962, Bishop James W. Jenkins was selected and ordained Chief Overseer and Senior Bishop. Under Bishop Jenkins, the church received Tax Exemption Status from the federal government, launched a church newspaper, and erected a new national headquarter complex. Bishop Jenkins grew the number of churches and the portfolio of land and properties. Bishop Jenkins, an educator in the Alabama Public School System awarded certificates to individuals attending classes in the General Assembly to promote advancement in the areas of Biblical, doctrinal, and ministerial training, During his tenure, the Courtesy Welfare Program was launched to assist members in emergencies and placed the church on a budget system prior to his earthly transition on July 15, 1990.
On August 9, 1990, Bishop James C. Elliott was anointed and appointed the fourth Chief Overseer of the Church. He continued church expansion into other states and countries such as, Canada, Haiti, and the Bahamas. Bishop Elliott focused on restoration of the national complex and programmatic expansion. He is also celebrated as the founder of the House of God Academy and Bible College in 1998. Bishop Elliott passed away on May 26, 2004.
In September 2004, Bishop Rebecca W. Fletcher was selected and ordained Chief Overseer and Senior Bishop. A long-time resident of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania she devoted her life to evangelizing in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States. She is noted for her writings in preparing the Saints to empower the individual’s spirit, soul, and body. One of her publications is Perfecting the Total Man. She commissioned the official church museum and promoted the work of the International Missionary Outreach Society. On February 8, 2021, Bishop Fletcher exchanged time for eternity.
The 6th and Current Senior Bishop
Bishop Dr. Clary K. Butler, Sr. was consecrated as the presiding Senior Bishop, General Moderator, and Chief Overseer of the House of God Church on Sunday, March 28, 2021, in Nashville, TN. A native of Charleston, S.C., Dr. Butler holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from South Carolina State University, a Master of Arts degree from Webster University, and a Doctor of Ministry Degree from Colorado Theological Seminary. Bishop’s love for teaching and empowering the Saints shared his divine vision to take The House of God Bible College to the next level by integrating technology as a tool for promulgating the Gospel. Approved by the Supreme Executive Council and General Trustee Board in June 2021, the inception of the House of God Academy and Bible College Online (accredited) came into fruition. Trial Bishop Jacqueline Tuggle Taylor, D. Min, PhD was appointed its 1st President. The House of God Church now have two educational institutions of learning. A non-degree program during the General Assembly to train ages K-12, Young adults
18-25, Laity- adults 26 years and above, and a Two-Year Ordination Training Program in preparing Deacons, Ministers, and Elders to meet the educational requirement to be screened for ordination. The second institution is an accredited online Bible College with a projected date to open in September 2022. To God be the Glory for our prolific, visionary founder Bishop Dr. Clary K. Butler, Sr.
Chosen by God for five-fold ministry, he received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost in 1978, prior to being called into the ministry in 1979. He began his ministry as a Mission Worker, Associate Minister, Assistant Pastor, Pastor, Presiding Elder, General Elder, State Elder and Presiding Bishop. He is married to Deaconess Patsy Butler and together they have three adult children. His commission is clear – “Evangelize, Bring Back the Love and Fill God's House.”
The Current and 1st President
President, Trial Bishop Dr. Jacqueline Tuggle Taylor is a native Baltimorean. She is the wife of Deacon Jarris Taylor, Sr. for 57 years, and the mother of four, Dr. Jarris Jr. (Maria), Monica (Christopher), Patrice, and Collette. She also is the grandmother of ten and great-grandmother of seven.
Dr. Taylor received her High School education from Paul Laurence Dunbar High School in Baltimore. She began studies in Mental Health at Baltimore City Community College but changed her major to Theology when she received her call into the ministry. In 1981, Dr. Taylor graduated from Virginia Theological Seminary of Lynchburg, Virginia with a Bachelor of Art Degree in Theology. She has a Master of Art Degree in Leadership in Teaching (1995) and Certification as Administrator I (2002) from The College of Notre Dame of Maryland. In May 2008 she earned a Master of Ministry Degree from Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary of Lynchburg, Virginia. May 2011, she received her Doctor of Ministry degree in Practical Theology for Pastors, Chaplains and Clinicians in Counseling at Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C.
In 2020 she matriculated from Northcentral University in California, with a PhD in Education with specialization in Organizational Leadership.
Dr. Taylor has worked faithfully in the House of God on the Local, State, and National levels. Since 1980 she has worked in the Church’s educational program writing curriculum. At this juncture she has been commissioned to organize The House of God Academy and Bible College Online. This is a
first for our grand ole House of God Church. No man is an island, therefore for this massive project, Dr. Taylor organized a team to work collaborative to bring the founder’s vision to fruition. The College has been blessed to have the support of the following individuals within and without the House of God to assist in this initiative, namely, Dr. Kathleen Gordon, Dr. Jarris L. Taylor, Jr., Rev. Eloise Andrews, MBA, Dr. Christopher Brown, Dr. Geraldine Gaffney, Dr. Ruthie Williams, Dr. Clary Butler, Jr., Dr. Dionne Taylor, Dr. Crystal Wheatley Smith, Dr. Gilbert Evans, Elder Tammy Butler, Elder Harvey Shaw, Trial Elder Christopher Coffee, Trial Elder Monica Coffee, Rev. Jacqueline Favors, Deaconess Nova Walker Carter, Deaconess Letonia Moore, Miss. Karon Moore, RN, and over twenty course writers inclusive of General Elder Dr. Carl Leslie Conyers, Dr. Linda Blue Lewis , Dr. Derrick Williams, Dr. Willie Moody, Bishop Minnie Crawford, General Elder Jonathan Lott, Elder Josephine Evans, Elder Donna Johnson, Elder Constance Turner, Rev. Jacqueline Favors, Rev. Sherry Tisdale, Rev. Toairy Tuggle Lewis, Evangelist Mary Cannon, and Deaconess Lisa Beard. Dr. Taylor scriptural theme for the Bible College is found in Isaiah 50:4, “The Lord GOD hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary: he wakeneth morning by morning, he wakeneth mine ear to hear as the learned.” “To God Be the Glory as the history shall continue.

Mission Statement
The House of God Academy and Bible College Online is a private, nonprofit Pentecostal, Evangelic Institution that shall educate and train the children and all members of the body of Christ and provide educational opportunities to all who desire to attend the College. The school and college are open to all people regardless of race, color, creed, sex, gender, ethnicity, natural origin, culture, and disability.
The mission of the House of God Academy and Bible College Online shall be to render services of education to the public and others that may desire to attend the educational institution of the Church by adhering to the following principles:
the school shall be strictly a Christian institution free from the teachings of evolutionary theories and all other harmful and injurious theories, doctrines, and ideas of men that may be harmful to the faith of the Church.
and to sound Bible doctrine as taught of God through the Holy Prophets and inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God.
and as taught by Jesus Christ and the Spirit of Christ in the Apostles and Disciples of Christ.

Doctrinal Statement
Faith And Doctrine Statement
We believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, and that these three are one in holy estate of power of the Godhead. (Decree pg. 63)
We believe God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost are three powers of the holy union of heaven, being expressly called us! (Genesis 1:26; Decree pg. 63)
We preach and do firmly believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God, and that He was spiritually conceived and born of the Virgin Mary, taking upon Himself the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh. That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit. By which He was conceived in the Virgin Mary and brought forth in the likeness of every man in order to convince man of the very fact that human flesh can live in this world free from sin and condemnation. Romans 8th Chapter. (Decree page 63)
We believe and do firmly preach that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God who was possessed of the full nature and disposition of humanity, but through obedience to the Father, He took on the whole armor of faith as an example to others of the same nature and He was thus made to resist the devil and to overcome the world. (Matthew 1:21; Luke 4:12; Ephesians 6:13-17; St. John 1:1-3; Revelation 3:21; St. John 16:33; I Peter 2:21; Decree pg. 63)
We believe that all who follow in His footsteps and example will likewise do no sin but shall be able to overcome the world as He did, who is the way, the truth, and the life of all men spiritually. (St. John 14:6; Decree pg. 63)
We preach and do firmly believe that Jesus Christ was born in the world through the Virgin Mary for a purpose and that purpose was and is to save His people from their sins; and that in Him is no sin, and if we abide in Him we will commit no sin and he that commiteth sin is of the devil. (Matthew 1:21; 1 John 3:6; I John 3:8; Decree pg. 63)
We believe and do firmly preach that Jesus Christ is the way, and our example giver who was baptized or filled with the Holy Ghost, and thereby was made able to resist temptations of the devil. (Matthew 3:16; 4:1-11; Decree pg. 63)
We believe that all Christian followers must be filled with the same spirit in order to be able to resist the temptations of the devil, to overcome the world, and to live free from sin in this world. (Matthew 3:11; Mark 1:8; Luke 3:16; St. John 1:33-34; St. John 8:34-36; Titus 2:11-14; Decree pg. 63)
We believe and do firmly preach that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of God unto Salvation, unto everyone that believeth it; that the gospel does remit sins; that the gospel began in and with the Apostles at Jerusalem by the Holy Ghost that was given unto them and that the Holy Ghost is the power of God and is the Gospel. (Romans 1:16; Luke 24:46-49; Acts 1:2-8; Decree pg. 64)
We believe and do firmly preach that the Bible evidence of receiving the baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire is speaking with other tongues as God giveth utterance as on the day of Pentecost and as mentioned in (Acts 2:1-4); that the tongue spoken in and through the utterance is given by the Spirit and may not be understood by man but is understood of God. (I Corinthians 14:2; Decree page 64)
We believe and firmly preach that people are justified and made clean through faith and by the words of Christ. (St. John 15:3) We believe that Jesus is the foundation of the Church, and that such a foundation was finished when He said on the cross it is finished. Read (St. John 19:30; Ephesians 2:19-22; Decree page 64)
We believe that God created man, male and female, in His own image and likeness and that man being in the image and likeness of God was perfect, pure, and holy and free from all sin so long as He remained and abided in the image and likeness of God. (Genesis 1:27; I John 3:1-5) We believe that through the fall of Adam from righteousness into sin because of disobedience that death reigned for a time over all men even unto all. (Romans 5:12-21; Decree page 64)
We believe that through the disobedience of one man many were made sinners and that through the obedience of one, even Christ, many shall be made righteous. In and through Christ we have access to the tree of life to live again in the image and likeness of God, perfect, pure, and free from sin with the purposed experience and worry of sin and finally with the acceptance and high appreciation of salvation from sin through Christ the Lord from heaven and the tree of life. Amen

​The House of God Bible College Online is an Accredited Member of Transworld Accrediting Commission International (TACI). TACI has been serving the Christian education community for over 30 years, Transworld is a federally recognized, non-profit church educational organization. Their philosophy is to demonstrate accountability to the consuming public for education obtained in nontraditional evangelical educational institutions.
TRANSWORLD oversees more than 1000 member institutions including schools, seminaries, universities, colleges, and institutes both in the United States and internationally. They provide documented evidence of compliance with standards of structure and governance, material resources, policies, faculty, and curriculum. TRANSWORLD'S overall purpose is to promote academic excellence and accountability.
For more information about Transworld Accrediting Commission International, visit

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